‘I’m here to help you change the things that don’t work for you and to find a happier, more fulfilled you’.
Hello, I’m Diana and I’ve been involved with energy healing of various kinds for 24 years. I can’t imagine my life without it and am so delighted to have found ways to help heal myself that I can share with others. For the past 10 years I have been using and teaching energy techniques to help people to heal themselves and their lives. I feel lucky and privileged to do this work.
How did I get here? One step at a time, gradually making changes from a life that was ruled by what I felt was expected of me to a life in which I feel the freedom to express who I really am. I know what it’s like to feel depressed, to feel trapped in a life which didn’t suit me, to wonder if I would ever find happiness. The therapies I use have helped me to become the person I am today and I love to use them to help others.

In 2005 I began my Reiki training and have been a Reiki master since 2008, seeing clients and teaching this wonderful healing modality and self-help system since 2009. I’ve seen clients and students evolve and grow over this time and feel very privileged to witness this. Since discovering EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, I have been amazed at the possibilities that they offer and the results I have had with clients. Weighed down with negative self-talk or lack of self-belief? EFT and MR can help with that and a thousand other things from fears and phobias to PTSD. We are all to some extent walking wounded and when the negative self-talk or the results of past trauma become too overwhelming, it’s great to have some help. I know how important it is to have a hand to hold when healing old wounds, evolving and growing.
The energy therapies I use suit my natural curiosity about people and deep desire to help people to heal. There are so many possibilities for healing with EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Reiki but the client’s goals for their own healing or what they would like help with (or to change) is always the central concern. My ethos is to empower my clients to heal their lives and thus feel a lighter way of being. I love the fact that I can teach my clients techniques for tapping on themselves between sessions and to continue the work after we have finished working together, or teach them Reiki so that they can give healing to themselves and their loved-ones.

I’ve done a lot of training along the way, from a degree in Human Environmental Studies, a Masters degree in Town Planning, Foundation course in Counselling Skills, One-Year Psychotherapy Course (Humanistic and person-centred), Diploma in Art and Design – Ceramics, Reiki Master/Teacher, Holy Fire Master Teacher, Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher. EFT Levels 1 and 2, Matrix Reimprinting., Theta Healing Basic and Advanced levels.

I am always training and learning to develop personally and professionally.
I offer EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Reiki by the coast in Ramsgate, Kent. EFT and Matrix sessions can be done effectively over Skype or Zoom.